Campus Genie is dedicated to provide solution and support for every higher educational institutions to achieve a stratergic goal in a short span.


Student & Parent Portal

Student or parents can track student’s attendance, grades, alerts, news, notices etc.


Help documents and Videos

Basic Settings

Set Menu order and Icons, Define the header of reports [Institution Logo and Name], College Group and Campuses under it, Define Academic and Non-academic Departments, Define Branches of Study, Define Courses in the Campus, Define Syllabus Schemes, Define Student admission batches, Define Semesters, Define number of class divisions in a Semester,

Staff Management

Add Staff Information, Reset Password, Deactivate Users

User Roles Management

Add different roles and define Permissions

User Management

Add users, assign and change roles


Define classes, add students, perform bulk edits, promote students, access student lists, and manage status changes such as Transfer Certificate (TC), Year Back, and Long Leave.

Academic Calendar

Set up the academic calendar for the study period, with the ability to create different calendars for various classes.

Subject Pool

Access a pool of all subjects linked to schemes and syllabi, with robust sorting and filtering options.

Students Grouping

Splitting students for Electives, Labs etc.

Class Batch Grouping

Group and manage combined classes efficiently, such as for second languages or open courses.

Time Table Structure

Define working days, class timings, and other parameters for each class, with flexibility for different schedules.

Time Table Generation

Generate class timetables with efficient logic to minimize time consumption.

Subject Box

Access all details related to a subject from the faculty dashboard.

Lesson Plan & Execution

Plan lessons in advance, with automatic generation of class dates and periods using the timetable and academic calendar.

Subject Coverage Tracking

Track the execution of lesson plans, manage multiple topic coverages, and monitor planned and unplanned topics.

Attendance Entry

Easily record attendance through a simple interface, with options for bulk entry and mobile optimization.

Grouped Class Attendance Entry

Mark attendance for students in different classes on a single page, useful for subjects like second languages or open courses.

Lecture Handover

Transfer periods to another faculty member to change responsibilities seamlessly.

Pending Attendance

Receive reminders for pending attendance entries and easily manage them or delegate responsibilities.

Attendance Marking for Special Events

Record attendance for special events without specifying a subject.

Add-On Course Management

Manage attendance, subject coverage, and mark entry for add-on courses.


Define mentor-mentee relationships and record mentoring sessions.

Suspend Hour

Suspend class activities due to unexpected reasons.


Define exams, generate exam timetables, record exam attendance, enable mark entry, and more.

Feedback Panel

Set up and administer feedback mechanisms for teachers, curriculum, campus, and custom feedback from students, staff, or parents.

Attendance Edit

Easily edit attendance records with appropriate permissions.

University Result Analysis

Upload templates to analyze results from Kerala and Calicut Universities.

Online Resources

Share links to online resources for educational purposes.


Record and manage student scholarships.

Faculty Time Table Generation

Allow faculty members to input their own timetables for finalization.

Lesson Plan & Execution

Plan lessons and generate class schedules automatically.

Lecture Handover

Transfer responsibilities for class periods between faculty members.

Lecture Compensation

Arrange compensatory timetables for holidays.

Student Suspension

Suspend students for specific periods.

Duty Leave

Grant duty leave to students.

Remedial Classes

Manage and schedule remedial classes based on assessments.

Sessional Marks

Generate sessional marks using customized rules.

Academic Monitoring

Easy tracking of activities - Attendance Status, Mark Entry Defaulters, Time Table completion status, Lesson plan and Topic Coverage status etc

Student Projects

Manage student projects and store project reports.

Other Activity Record

Record miscellaneous activities like valuations and faculty development programs.

Client Support

Access dedicated client support for effective software utilization.

Office Administration

Manage admission, fee tracking, inventory, and basic accounting tasks.

Admission and Fee Collection

Facilitate online applications, manage admissions, and track fees.

SMS & Mail Alerts System

Send daily attendance, absence alerts, and exam mark updates to parents via SMS and email.

NAAC Criteria

Manage NAAC criteria with custom configurations.


Facilitate collaboration among faculty and students for teaching and learning purposes, including document sharing.

Online Requests from Students

Handle various requests from students online, such as leave requests and permissions.

Data Collection Templates

Create forms to collect data from students, parents, or staff for generating important reports.

Leave Management

Streamline the management of leaves for all employees.


Establish and manage student clubs, including activity recording and attendance.


Record and process accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll.

Student Grievance Addressal

Provide a platform for students to submit grievances, with a dedicated cell for addressing them.

Faculty Time table Generation

Faculty can enter their own time table allocations to get final class time table

Internal mail, Message system

Staff can send emails internally through Campus Genie

Tasks and reminders management

Tasks can be added, dragged to statuses like In Progress, Complete etc.